May 2023 Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the May 20, 2023 Meeting at Mel’s Diner in Auburn, CA

President: President Dave Gilliard called the meeting to order. The meeting began at 8:34 a.m.

Invocation: Compatriot Rod Beidler did the invocation.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Compatriot Steve Hoss.

SAR Pledge: Compatriot Tony Chakurian led the SAR Pledge.

Introductions of Guests: The guests were Coreena Ross and Conni Barker.

Approval of Meeting Minutes

The meeting minutes will be approved at the next meeting in June.

America 250 Minute Report

President Dave Gilliard gave his report for the America 250 Program. The program was about the Huntington Liberty Flag.


Compatriot Steve Hoss gave his program and the program was about the Valentine’s Blood and the John and Valentine Sevier story and the Battle of Kings Mountain.

Officer and Program Chairman Reports

President’s Report: President Dave Gilliard spoke about the poster contest and they had been doing presentations at the schools.

1st Vice-President’s Report: Compatriot Mike Holmes gave his report.

2nd Vice President’s Report: There was no report given.

Treasurer’s Report: President Dave Gilliard gave the treasurer’s report at the meeting.

Secretary’s Report: Compatriot Ron Barker gave his report.

Valley Forge Report:  Compatriot Mike Holmes said that he had spoken to the new Superintendent for the high school.

Eagle Scout Report: There was no report given at the meeting.

Membership Report: There was no report given at this meeting.

J.R.O.T.C. Report: 1st. Compatriot Mike Holmes said there was a J.R.O.T. C. Medal that was awarded at an awards ceremony in Rocklin, CA.

Colorguard Report:  The chapter is going to participate in the Fourth of July Parade and the parade will be held in Grass Valley, CA.

Chaplain’s Report: There was no report given at this meeting.

Newsletter Editor: There was no report given at this meeting.

Registrar’s Report: Compatriot Tony Chakurian said there was one application submitted to national.

Genealogist Report: There was no report given at this meeting.

Membership Report: There was no report given.

Old Business

President Dave Gilliard spoke about the CASSAR state meeting and the Gold Country Chapter Poster. The poster took second place at the state meeting.

New Business

President Dave Gilliard spoke about next years poster contest. The topic is going to be the 250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party.

Compatriot Mike Holmes spoke about the Memorial Day Celebration that is going to be held in Auburn, CA.

The Fourth of July Parade will be held in Grass Valley, CA. and the details for the parade will be forthcoming.


President Dave Gilliard called for the meeting to be adjourned.

Benediction: The benediction was led by Compatriot Rod Beidler.

SAR Recessional: The SAR Recessional was led by Compatriot Dale Ross.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:22 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Dale Ross
